Ashton & Riley watching TV
It's a cloudy
Spitty Rain
Kind of Day
I took a nap
Getting over my cold that I've acquired
Went grocery shopping
Bought makings for lasagna, french dip, baked potatoes and salad
I'm good for a week, at least that's what I'm saying now
Tonight, I'll rent a movie and have a drink or two
It's Saturday and I'm enjoying it !!!
Lasagna is good for a cold :) Have a happy Saturday evening
Oh, Ashton and Riley remind me of a younger version of 2 of our cats!
Looks like they are enjoying the view!
"Spitty Rain" love that. Also love that picture of the cats. What a life that would be, just lazing around looking out the windows. Oh... that is what I do:))
Sounds like a good way to spend a rainy day. Rest up and relax!
Awwww is Riley the orange cat???? My sisters orange tabby is named Riley too. How funny.
Yes, Riley is the baby cat. Two years old. Very Spoiled. His full name is Riley Andrew. Andy was my first orange and white cat.
Well our Riley just turned 5 this last March. He is also very very spoiled. A little brat too. He is a very big boy too.
Riley is very tall. He has extra toes on all four paws. He can reach the kitchen counter. He also can stand on his back paws like a Kangaroo.
haha it is like you are describing our Riley. I told my Sister and she said "He's been framed!" haha He is definitely a character. And he eats so much that my friends call him Garfield.
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