Birds are singing and using the feeder by the tree.
Off and on it’s been really rainy or just wet out due to the last shower.
The sun has tried to look at me but after a while hid behind the clouds.
Ashton, my grey striped cat, has had a lot to say today.
He talks when he’s playing with his toy mousies. He has several of them.
He takes them all over the house. Talking while he does.
I have left an old shoe box in the entry hall landing. It still has it’s tissue in it for comfort. No new tissue. I’ve tried that before with the shoe box upstairs. I was told in so many mews that I’d ruined the sleeping arrangements. Anyway, the shoe box in the entry hall has it’s original crinkle paper. If I want to add to it, I have to put the new tissue paper under the old and put it just the way it was. My cats can tell if I’ve done something. Being the Princes and Princess that they are.
The collection of mice will be close to the box. He takes them from that local to the hallway or the steps or the living room or the hallway upstairs. I always have to watch where I step in the mornings. Don’t want to disturb his new collection site while trying not to fall on my old arse.
Today he was mewing and mewing and mewing. I was talking to him. Asking him what he was doing. When I came down the stairs, he was with his red mousie. I told him, "all that for one mouse". He looked so content. He’s with me now on the counter watching me type. I told you he was a cute kitty.
I’ve been having cinnamon orange tea today. Market Spice. It is yummy. I actually asked for it for a gift for the Holidays. I didn’t need anything this year and I thought of it. My local store doesn’t sell it but the store twenty minutes away does. So, every once in a while I will go to that store even though it’s more expensive. Just to get my tea. Add a raw sugar packet to it and a rainy day seems better. Course the cute cat sitting near me helps too.
Tonight I plan on relaxing. Maybe I will read my book. It’s a hard one to finish. All about slavery. Oh why did I decide to pick this one? I’m usually a biography or fiction gal but I decided to get some culture. So, I picked a Pulitzer prize winner this time. Oh the horror of times past, is all I can say. I think in my head, "oh no they didn’t" but they did. I’ll finish it but I think I will get something a bit lighter next time. I have a few books waiting to be picked up. Sitting on my table wishing to be read.
Oh and I forgot, American Idol is on tonight. I love that show. I watch it a bit later so I can fast forward through the commercials.
So on that note, and since my lasagna says it’s done, I will bid you Good Evening and I will Mew at you all later.
J.C. Thanks for the note you left on my blog this morning. Sorry to hear you had such a negative reaction to the rebif. One of the most challenging aspects of MS is actually getting the diagnosis. Especially if you are unable to have an MRI. What is your current situation wit your diagnosis now?
J.C. Thanks for the note you left on my blog this morning. Sorry to hear you had such a negative reaction to the rebif. One of the most challenging aspects of MS is actually getting the diagnosis. Especially if you are unable to have an MRI. What is your current situation wit your diagnosis now?
Thanks for going to my blog. How nice of you, considering that you are so busy being in the hospital and all.
Before my coma, I was diagnosed with transverse myelitis. Have a lesion in my brain and a large one on my spine. Had steroid treatments for those. Never an over night in hospital though.
Got my ablilty to walk without looking at my feet back ... brain not telling my legs where to go .. after that.
I've had mri's and a tap ..
Dr put me on the rebif after the steroids. I never got over the flu type symptoms and three weeks later went into a coma. Due to not being able to feel that I had a bladder infection. Sepsis.
Learned to walk and talk after I woke up. I'm not on any meds at this time. I kind of gave up on Dr's ... I fall, bump into things etc.
For now, I'm doing ok. My headaches that are worse since my coma, they said are just bad Migraines. I go numb on that side all the time.
Just all part of being me.
So since I don't have ms ... just ask the Dr's .. I just have old crazy cat lady body ...
Not too worry ...
I'll be fine. I always just pick myself up and keep going.
I do hope you get better. I'll check in on your tomorrow.
Know that you've found a friend. Far away but still someone who cares. Cause it could be me and not you ... and I know it.
Like I said, may you have some Peace today ...
Hi JC,
Thanks for coming by my blog your cat is gorgeous.
And the thought of lasagne has me hungry, luckily Richie has made ravioli.
Have a good afternoon and evening.
Herrad ~ Welcome to my Crazy Cat lady blog ... I should have named it that but I like Lilacs too.
I found your site yesterday too. Love your pics ...
And, Ashton is cute. All those stripes and does he ever talk. All the time and I swear he poses for pics.
Hi JC,
Came back to have another look at Ashton and read abit more of your excellent blog.
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