American Idol
I enjoy the singing and the comments from the judges. This year they actually have some great singers in their top 13. Now down to five. In previous season's they have goofed just a bit. Not having fabulous voices in the finals. When it comes to voters, they may make their decision by the person and not talent.
Tonight’s songs were ‘Just the way you look’ sung by Kris. I like him. Allison was next singing ’Someone to watch over me’. Not bad. I like her too. Matt sang ‘My Funny Valentine’. Very smooth. Simon and Paula loved him. It was split. The other judges thought it was ok. Out came Danny and he sang ‘Come Rain or Come Shine’. He was fabulous. All the judges loved him. As did I. The last one was Adam singing ‘Feeling Good’. Daring and out there and the judges were thrilled, shocked, impressed and generally wowed once again. I think Adam will win but the mystery is who will be in the second spot.
When they are all done, out comes the cute as ever Ryan to end the show. Cool show and I’ll be watching tomorrow to see who gets eliminated. I’m thinking Allison or Matt. If I had to pick, I’d pick Matt.
Update ~ I watched the show last night and Matt was the one voted off. The ‘shocker’ was that Adam was in the bottom two. Allison and Danny were the top two. You never know what the voting public will do but last night they did fine with me.
I think Matt was a great soft singer. Reminds me of Justin Timberlake. It’s what happens after American Idol and what they can do with their new opportunities, that will show who is the real talent. That person may not be the actual AI winner. Only time and sales will tell.
Oh, Jamie Fox was on the show last night and I just didn’t get his song. I am getting old. How funny that is cause I remember being a teenager and loving rock and roll. Which by the way, is next weeks theme.
Peace Out til my next review …..
I still think Danny will win. Adam will come in a close 2nd. Kris & Danny may have problems w/rock week, but Allison will shine. Still, it could be Allison's turn to go home.
Which part of this post was edited by Riley?
He chose the colors while sitting next to me trying to eat the cord. Even though I told him he was cute and was petting him, all the while, telling me that I was almost done.
At first, he chose orange, for obvious reasons, for the first section ... I talked to him and we decided together, that it was a too sophisticated color for non paw striped people.
He's a people just with paws and orange stripies.
He also was in the room telling me who he thought MEWed the best.
Sorry for the errors in spelling. My Furry friend is not here to help me ... see, I need him after all.
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