It’s a bright sunny Sunday morning. Really nice to see. I’ve been waiting for Spring to actually arrive. It’s been hinting with a tulip and a hyacinth.
A warm Spring day. That is what I’ve been waiting for. The kind where you don’t have to wear a sweater cause you aren’t chilled at all when the wind blows at you. The kind where the sun in your face makes you feel young again. The kind where it’s not too hot .. it’s just right.
The fresh smell in the morning when I let the girls go outside. The dew is still there but as I make my coffee and look out the window, the yellow is coming though the trees in my yard. Not just a, I might show up, it’s already arrived.
I can’t express to you how thrilling it is to me and yes, I’m using ‘thrilling’ again. I like that word.
I live in the clouds. Really, I do. It rains a lot where I live but I’m used to it. Been here all my life. Moss green has become my favorite shade of blue.
In the Spring & Summer, my clouds aren’t as busy. They float to Montana or Canada just to give me a break. I think they know that I appreciate their uniqueness but that I could use some of that hidden glow.
The birds also sing to me in the Spring. The words are hard to make out but they are telling me about the glory of the air, wind and flight. Oh, to flutter around like they do. Just for a day. To come back to my normal life and not tell anyone what I did. The feeling of knowing the unknown. The grandness of it.
So, on this Sunny Sunday morning, I plan on working in my yard. I did some yesterday but that chilly wind blew at me and my blue sweater came on. When the sun went behind the clouds, it was back to being a cool Saturday. Today, I have the hope that it will be nice all day.
Coffee, Sunshine, Birds Singing, A Siamese mewing at me … I like the possibilities of this Spring Sunday Morning.
*Sigh* Sounds like Sunday was a purrfectly magical day.
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