Saturday, May 22, 2010

Under the trees ...

I grew up adoring my Dad. He was soft spoken and hard working. He always wore a plaid shirt whether it was flannel or not. Even in the Summer, he'd roll up his sleeves if it got warm. He came from the hot part of the states. Drove to our colder area to see the Ocean. He saw it and never went back.

I remember him fondly.  He past away after a very long illness. He fought for what seemed like my whole life. When he went, he did it with such grace. To this day, I miss him. I miss talking to him.

 One Summer,  I went for a walk with him. We found a nice place by the river. Under the trees where the water ran wild. It was there that he taught me to fish. He told me all about it. I watched him put those cute bees on his hooks. He didn't catch much. I think he just liked the quiet and the possibility of it. I remember that day. I think of it often. It was so special to me. I remember walking back with the dust flying up from the rocky road. No one knew that we'd just had the time of my life. So fishing, nah, not for me but watching my Dad fish, yes.

~JC ~

 To read more go to ~


Lisa said...

a memory to be cherished for sure. beautifully written. poignant.

Sultan said...

Nice post

Helen said...

Beautiful! 'The quiet and possibiity of it' grabbed me and didn't let me go.

Pop and Ice said...

What a beautiful memory of your father. I'm so lucky to have my Dad still around and wreaking havoc.

Jacqueline said...

What a beautiful memory of your Dad; his gentle nature and your deep love for him are conveyed so well in just a few words...You are a wonderful writer and I enjoy reading your short stories...Hope you have a restful Sunday.

PurestGreen said...

What a beautiful post for your dad. I love the image of the dust by the road.

Maxmom said...

What a truly beautiful and touching memory! lovingly be treasured forever!
Thank you too for your uplifting thoughts left on my blog. I have enjoyed this tranquil moment on yours.
Sending lotsaluv

joanna said...

A beautiful tender loving story ---- I am going to assume here it is a 'true' story and if so you are one lucky person for having a father such as you did.. Wonderful use of the magpie tale. Loved your story told..

Brian's Home Blog said...

Those are wonderful memories.

V.L. Locey said...

Very touching essay. Kudos!

Berowne said...

Great to read about such love and respect for a dad.

clairz said...

Lovely post, wonderful memory, very evocative. I like that you fished for "the quiet and the possibility of it." We used to fish with our kids and never catch anything, but we still loved it. Your words have made the reason clear to me.

christine said...

Wonderful memory and one to treasure and make sure your children know about your dad too, time goes and before we know it there are just memories.


Kathe W. said...

Sweet memory written so sweetly. Lucky you to have that memory.

Annie Bear said...

So sweet. How fortunate you are to have such cherished memories of a wonderful dad.

JC said...

Yes, this is a true story. One from my childhood days. I just remembered the fishing day when I saw the fish photo.

Noir the Texas Tabby said...

Wonderful, marvelous memory of your Daddy! Tommy got a bit weepy, because her best memories of her Daddy is of the both of them fishing! It was just their time--out on the river bank--and nothing more needed to be said. Thank you for sharing!!


PS. Thanks for stopping by my blog and liking the photos! :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

I shared an award with you. You can find it here: Awards Sunday

Tess Kincaid said...

What sweet memories of your father. I'm so envious.

Brian Miller said...

smiles. what a sweet memory...i too have one of watching my dad this year i started taking my boys...nice magpie!

Helena said...

That was so touching. I have similar thoughts on fishing now my own dad's not around.

I love the name of your blog BTW!

The Monkeys said...

Such a touching post, very wonderfully written

Roses and Lilacs said...

That is a lovely story. Funny how things trigger our memories and bring them all rushing back.

Peggy said...

A lovely memory - one to be cherished.

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all of the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for those who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

~ Jose N. Harris

Characters In My Garden

Purr Gang ~ My five cats

Cats ~ Al, Ashton Rosevelt, Jasmine Marie, Riley Andrew & Meredith Ann

Fur Gang ~ Jodie Isabella and Sally Jean
(The Original member, Sweet Bella is in memory only now. Maddy Jean, another original member, past away in August of 2014)

Mr. Boatman ~ my husband who likes boats

DD ~ my daughter who graduated and is now out living in the real world

DS or Dson ~ my son is studying computer science and math

Maddy Jean & Bella

Maddy Jean & Bella
Both gone but never forgotten

Jodie Isabella

Jodie Isabella


I adopted him from our local Humane Society


Adopted from my local horse supply store


I adopted her from Purrfect Pals


I adopted him from the local Humane Society

Meredith Ann

Meredith Ann
I adopted her from Purrfect Pals