Daffodil Update ~ This meowning while innocently sniffing the lovely yellows, Riley Andrew, somehow tipped over the blue vase and water went everywhere. The Mom E was heard screaming. She was trying to make her coffee and had turned away for a moment. Since the Mom E does not have the camera around her neck before the first coffee of the meowning, there is no proof of this daffodil debacle. Riley was last seen in the living room hiding by his big brother Al. I told him it was ok. Nothing broke. Just a bad meowning to do it since the Mom E's old hip is a bit achy. (You should have seen me bending over to get all the water. A funny moment indeed) The lovely yellows are back on the table. Waiting for the next kitty cat to do the sniff test ...
The daffodils have opened
Ashton was checking them out
No eating or chewing involved
Yet ...
Not yet...MOL!
Our daffodils are just pushing their way up. We have snowdrops in bloom and some crocuses in sheltered, sunny spots, but that's all so far. I'm looking forward to those lovely, sunny daffodil faces. :-)
Both of them are GORGEOUS!!!
If you take a nap today, I bet Ashton mows them down while you're not watching. That's why I have to move mine room to room. Then, of course, they throw them up as well. Sort of takes the joy out of flowers.
Ashton is a furry flower child!
What a lovely picture of beautiful flowers and your gorgeous kitty!!...Love it!
All in due time...MOL. We can't wait for this stupid snow to melt so mom can go get flowers to plant!
Two fo my favorites! Cats and daffodils!!!
Ashton is so cute! Actually, she's very pretty and so are your flowers.
Lucy LOVES flowers. My husband hardly ever buys me flowers anymore because she likes to chew and bite them. It brings her true joy.
Well, enjoy both of them...well, the flowers while you can.
Beautiful flowers and a beautiful kitty- two of the world's best things!:)
The cat must have a taste!
nothing out in the daff arena, yet - se keep sniffing them out... yours are lovely.. Darcy and Bing
Oh I remember my cats doing the very same thing. It's hard to get mad when they're so cute :)
I do like your three column template! Was it hard to do?
Furry little busy bodies must check everything out thoroughly, sometimes that requires knocking things over to do so. LOL.
I hope the hip is better. I get the achy hip too. grumble.
Cute picture!
Bet it wont be long...
Love daffodils....
Ashton does look like he is contemplating something :)
Maybe you should try just a nibble! Your eyes look beautiful next to those dilly thingies:)
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