Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nope, It's Not

Meredith trying to escape

I've been a day off all week.
Last Friday I thought it was Saturday.
You know that feeling of listening to the birds.
Snuggeling with your version of Mr. Boatman.
A cat on your pillow.
A cat at your feet.
Yours might be different than mine but you get the idea.
And, then Mr. Boatman tells you .. "No, I wish it were"

It happened yesterday and big time today.
I woke up and thought, "it's Friday" ...
That excitement you get when you're almost on vacation.
I told him and he said,
"Nope, it's not"

I went back to bed with my two dogs and my two cats
(it was only 6 am)
(I have more than two but the others were eating)
What do you do on a Thursday?
... Except wait for Friday ...
Thursday is ~
Grey's Anatomy night
American Idol Cast Off Night
(when's it's cold and dark .. I watch tv .. if it's warm .. I don't)

When I wake tomorrow
It better be Saturday
If I miss it again
I'm gona be PIZZZZZZed
Now, off to get my first cup of java
(see I did it again ... I still think it's Friday)
What day is it for YOU ?


SASS....Sammy Andy Shelly Sierra said...

Our mama is really laughing out loud....cuz she has the same problem now that she is retired.....she is always asking the girls what day it is. And to us, they are all the same anyway, so why do they have names????? xxxxxxx

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh I can't tell you how many times I have woken up in the middle of the night trying to figure out if I have work the next day. I hate that, especially when you think it is a day later (a day earlier is not as bad because then it is kinda like skipping a day - at least during the work week).

Judy said...

For me, it is the day after root canal, a sick day. I know it could be a lot worse, but I am whining anyway.
I cannot lose track of days like that, not when I have 2 part time jobs, and I have to be somewhere, rather than anywhere...

Kritter Keeper at Farm Tails said...

in late january i did that since it snowed all the time and each day was gray and snowy. it was like that movie 'groundhog day'...:)

Beth Niquette said...

Actually--it's a better day than yesterday. Thanks for asking. Gorgeous cat!

Jacqueline said...

Yes, Thursday is Grey's Anatomy night here too!...Whenever I get off with the days, it seems to last a while for some reason!...Have a great Friday tomorrow!!

Annie Bear said...

LOL! Well, like Mr. Boatman, I wish it were too!

I love when I wake up early on a Saturday briefly thinking it's Friday and realizing I can go back to sleep and not worry about work. Ahhh.

Meredith Ann looks so pretty even though she's trying to escape.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Hey Meredith, where you headed?

Webster said...

It's Grey's Anatomy night for me, too. Also, the new The Marriage Ref on Ch. 5 at 10 PM (instead of Private Practice). I had PT today, and am trying to get on a daytime schedule, which is not easy for a nocturnal person. Last evening I fell asleep holding a cup of coffee and spilled it on my vest and pants and a throw. Good thing there was no cat there at the time!

JC said...

Meredith was looking over the yard. The people who owned our beach place before us started to build steps down but stopped. Thus, the cats can go out and sit but too high to jump down. She was dreaming of escape but alais no way unless she is part flying squirrel ^,,6

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all of the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for those who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

~ Jose N. Harris

Characters In My Garden

Purr Gang ~ My five cats

Cats ~ Al, Ashton Rosevelt, Jasmine Marie, Riley Andrew & Meredith Ann

Fur Gang ~ Jodie Isabella and Sally Jean
(The Original member, Sweet Bella is in memory only now. Maddy Jean, another original member, past away in August of 2014)

Mr. Boatman ~ my husband who likes boats

DD ~ my daughter who graduated and is now out living in the real world

DS or Dson ~ my son is studying computer science and math

Maddy Jean & Bella

Maddy Jean & Bella
Both gone but never forgotten

Jodie Isabella

Jodie Isabella


I adopted him from our local Humane Society


Adopted from my local horse supply store


I adopted her from Purrfect Pals


I adopted him from the local Humane Society

Meredith Ann

Meredith Ann
I adopted her from Purrfect Pals