Thursday, May 7, 2009

Thank You Noll's Nip

Noll's Nip has given me the Kreativ Blogger Award

(She gave it to me in late April and it must have been the one day I didn't read her blog. Silly Siamese again. )

I am to list the 6 things that make me happy and six blogs I want to receive this award.

What makes me Happy

1~ Anything Blue. Sky, Eyes, etc

2 ~ Sunny Days

3 ~ A cool drink on a warm day while sitting on my porch.

4~ Being by the Ocean. I have always enjoyed a day by the beach looking for shells.

5 ~ My Cats and Dogs. I think I've mentioned it before but they are my life.

6 ~ At my age, just making it through the day without too much going wrong.

Who do I want to give this award to. I'm thinking blogs that make me Happy due to their Kreativ blogging skills.

1 )Chickens in the Road at One of the first blogs I found. I love her photos. She makes me want to bake and buy a baby lamb. I already have the two big dogs. Take a look at her farm photos.

2)Nan at I just found this blog. She's an artist that likes cats and the Ocean. No explanation needed as to why that would make me happy.

3)Reya at I like her photos and she has an older dog that reminds me of my dog.

4) Mark's Mew's at Siamese Cats. I'm on my 6th Siamese and this blog is like cat nip on a rainy day.

5) Cheryl at Photos, music ... Just take a look. Another new blog for me but I like it.

6) Tober at This is a library cat. I recently finished a book about a library cat so I was thrilled to find his blog.

Those are the blogs that make me HAPPY. I will let them know what I think about them.

There are lots of blogs that I like for many reasons. Some I've given awards to just recently. I am always in search of peace and if that has a cat, dog, the Ocean or Lilacs ... just know that I'll find you and be peeking in on you through my blue eyes. Just that thought makes me Happy !!!


Reya Mellicker said...

Thank you so much for this award! I am honored and - yes - HAPPY to receive it.

Bravo to you for receiving it, and yes I'll pass it on (to more than six bloggers, though.)

Have a happy day, J.C. Thanks again.

Noll's Nip said...

Congratulations once again. I love coming to your blog.

P.S., Most of my vacations are planned around shelling ;)

Roses and Lilacs said...

You chose some good things but I love number 6;) LOL, any day when you have a number 6 is a good day. Number 5 is true for me also.

The Creek Cats said...

Congrats on those well deserved awards!!

Nan and =^..^= said...

JC, thanks so much for thinking of me for this is much appreciated and congratulations to you, too! Your list of things that make you happy contains many things that make me happy, too!

cottage farm villa said...

JC, thank you so much for the reward. I am glad that my blog is one that makes you happy. It was sweet of you to think of me and mention me on your blog! Love your froggy pics!!!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Thank you so much We are grateful for the awardie!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...
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There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all of the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for those who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

~ Jose N. Harris

Characters In My Garden

Purr Gang ~ My five cats

Cats ~ Al, Ashton Rosevelt, Jasmine Marie, Riley Andrew & Meredith Ann

Fur Gang ~ Jodie Isabella and Sally Jean
(The Original member, Sweet Bella is in memory only now. Maddy Jean, another original member, past away in August of 2014)

Mr. Boatman ~ my husband who likes boats

DD ~ my daughter who graduated and is now out living in the real world

DS or Dson ~ my son is studying computer science and math

Maddy Jean & Bella

Maddy Jean & Bella
Both gone but never forgotten

Jodie Isabella

Jodie Isabella


I adopted him from our local Humane Society


Adopted from my local horse supply store


I adopted her from Purrfect Pals


I adopted him from the local Humane Society

Meredith Ann

Meredith Ann
I adopted her from Purrfect Pals