The weather report says that a huge wind storm is coming late today
and maybe into tomorrow.
I thought I ought to walk my front yard.
Taking a few photos of my fresh blooms.
My cherry trees on my driveway have just opened up.
They are doubles and look gorgeous.
The wind and rain will probably blow them off and onto my driveway.
So, I walked in the chill of the morning and took photos.
We worked in the yard over the weekend.
The boys put the bird house up.
I still don't see how a chickadee can go into that small a hole
but that's the size the directions told us to make.
I have a few tulips that made it through our Winter.
I haven't planted new bulbs in my yard in years.
I had lots of tulips and daffodils' planted
but with time they've smushed in the ground.
The ones' left are pretty but mostly red.
The birds sure were singing.
I almost caught a photo of one at the feeder
but it flew away before I could get it.
Every thing seems to be green.
The lawn got mowed yesterday and it looks go rich.
The trees are all sorts of green and yellowish green.
The hills near my woods are gorgeous to view.
I really like nature.
Maybe that's why I live in the woods.
I'm a silly old cat lady, aren't I.
Oh, the cats are doing fine.
Getting into trouble like always.
Napping after their meowning canned kitty food.
Dogs are in the family room napping.
It's a nice Monday morning.
I love that picture of the Cherry blossoms. Hopefully the weather man is wrong and they will stay on the tree where they belong:)
JC your yard is gorgeous! I would love to live somewhere with lots of green and trees!
What lovely photos. We had lots of fruit trees blooming here last month, then we had a late blizzard and that was the end of that. Out here on the High Plains in New Mexico we have an awful lot of sunshine, but lots of high winds. The toughest plants survive. Amazingly, roses do really well.
Gardening is always tricky, I guess, no matter where you are. When we lived in Washington state, it always seemed to rain when I wanted to weed, then the slugs came along and ate everything...
Thank you for sharing your photos. I can just smell the moisture (a rarity for us in NM).
Hi JC,
The cherry bloesom are very pretty.
Hope you get some lodgers for your bird house.
What a great idea to get pictures before the wind blows all the blossoms away. Your yard looks so pretty.
that darn just won't leave us alone at all here and now if you get it and it blows off all those flowering buds...well, that's just poor planning on mother nature to play such a trick !!!
Oh! So pretty. I'm crossing my paws hoping you don't get any wind!!
What a fairy land your yard is. Lucky you!
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That first picture is so loverly. We had trees like that here in Tehachapi when Spring started but now they are a deep burgundy color and the white ones are green. I really enjoyed the light pink and white colors of them. We had daffodils too but when it snowed last month out of no where they all wilted. I am definitely gonna miss the garden trees and flowers when I go back to Los Angeles.
but that doesn't mean I want to stay here though
I love your cherry blossoms. Hope you get a chickadee in your house. I have had them in my box for two years now.
In the spring when we have trees, bulbs and peonies blooming, the storms always come and ruin the blossoms. Guess we have to make the most of the few hours we have.
Thank you for the award. It was very kind of you to think of me.
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