It's a moist morning
Been raining off and on for two weeks
I thought I'd give you another look at my owl
(Yes, it's mine)
This shot was taken on a tree in the middle of my back yard
Not sure if this is the baby or the Mom
I think it's the baby though
Jasmine is helping me type
She's Siamese and takes it to heart
Did Horton hear that? Hello Jasmine!
What a pretty owl, and what an adorable kitty - two great pictures!
How neat that the little owl is hanging around in your backyard. It is SOOOO pretty! Jasmine is just gorgeous. My first cat, when I was a little girl was a Siamese and I definitely think they are GORGEOUS!!!♥
Wow, all the moss on the branches. You live in a wet place for sure.
I haven't heard the owls hooting around here for a long time. I do see my hawk neighbor almost every day.
Jasmine, feel free to come here and help with my spreadsheets. Really.
OMC!!! Owls are mom's FAVORITE!!! She is SO jealous you have one that you can see. We have the State Forest in our backyard and she hears them, but has yet to find one!
Gorgeous photos of your owl and your sweet Jasmine=you are surrounded by beauty!...Hope it drys up and you have a great day!
I love your owl....what's his name? Jasmine is such a beauty!
It's a good thing you have Jasmine to help!
FINALLY, I haven't been able to view other blogs, don't know why but I am today. What a special place ou have that allows you to view owls, so cool! I only hear them here, screech, horned owl and barn owl.
You must get soooo much rain, here too we have had alot this spring and two killing frost, but slowly things are coming back. Keep those Hearts coming. DAR
I just realized something. Although we may express our thoughts differently, we both spend a lot of time looking at animals and thinking about what is going on with them.
Just came in from the patio where I have spent more time than I would care to admit watching hummingbirds hover and dart--wondering about their tiny lives.
Thank you, my blogging friend, for... for... everything!
Another great photo of your owl!
It's always nice to have a cat helper at the computer or whatever you may be working on!
Hi Jasmine!
I help my human with her blog too!
Very cool owl!! Is it a barred owl? Jasmine is one very fine feline.
Great photos
That's so cool that you have an owl within viewing - I think the only time our Mom has seen an owl, has been in the zoo!
Jasmine, you are a beautiful kitty - how nice of you to help out with the typing!
Have a Happy Holiday Weekend!
~Nico & JayJay :)
I get distracted easily... I wanna know what came in the Sephora box Jasmine is sitting in.
Jas & the owl are beautiful. I too agree you need to name them.
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