Monday, April 19, 2010

What the Birds See ...

This is what the birds see
No wonder they keep coming back
Wouldn't you ?

It's a very mellow Monday so far
Cats & Dogs are napping
It's a bit cloudy
Might clear up or rain
Not sure what it's going to do

Was a busy weekend
Worked in the jungle
Shopped for things
Went here and there
With Mr. Boatman

BBQ'd last night
First time this season

All in all a Grand Weekend
And, that's probably why
everyone with fur is napping


The Creek Cats said...

The birdies must be "kitty watching!"

Tatyana@MySecretGarden said...

I think seeing a cat through the window adds some excitement and thrill to the birds' mealtime.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Yep, the birds get to watch Cat-TV!

cats of wildcat woods said...

Cat TV! We have one little wren who gets on the AC and peers into the hosue when the food is low! The cats go nuts when she does that.

Darlene said...

Great picture! It rained all weekend long here. Today, cool and overcast. I LOVE grilling out. The food just seems to tast sooooo GOOD! My menu is always subject to change if hubby gets home and wants to grill!♥

Anonymous said...

That's an awesome feeder! Our 'beans don't get nice ones like that, as we have bear problems! So, they get the cheapy plastic kind.

Jacqueline said...

Kitty TV for the birds!!...Sounds like a lovely weekend....Have a happy week.

Annie Bear said...

Yes, I definitely would keep coming back! Sounds like you all had a great weekend and a wonderful morning.

Forever Foster said...

What a pretty birdfeeder. I wonder if seeing the kitties through the window is like when humans have dinner with the lions at the zoo?

Stella Jones said...

They probably know they're safe behind the window :)
Blessings, Star

critterlover said...

HA! Kitty TV.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow brave birdies you have there! I guess we have birdies that come visit us to, if we really think about it. But not near that close!

There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all of the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for those who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.

~ Jose N. Harris

Characters In My Garden

Purr Gang ~ My five cats

Cats ~ Al, Ashton Rosevelt, Jasmine Marie, Riley Andrew & Meredith Ann

Fur Gang ~ Jodie Isabella and Sally Jean
(The Original member, Sweet Bella is in memory only now. Maddy Jean, another original member, past away in August of 2014)

Mr. Boatman ~ my husband who likes boats

DD ~ my daughter who graduated and is now out living in the real world

DS or Dson ~ my son is studying computer science and math

Maddy Jean & Bella

Maddy Jean & Bella
Both gone but never forgotten

Jodie Isabella

Jodie Isabella


I adopted him from our local Humane Society


Adopted from my local horse supply store


I adopted her from Purrfect Pals


I adopted him from the local Humane Society

Meredith Ann

Meredith Ann
I adopted her from Purrfect Pals