Friday Afternoon Updates ...
It's Friday afternoon. The end of the long week. The sun has been out. Cats are taking turns taking bubble baths in the warmth. Ashton has been very mewy today. Just ask him, he'll tell you. Checked on Mr. Boatman's flight. It's a bit late coming in. Just in time for five o'clock traffic on a Friday. I love traffic. Yes, I do not.
My shoulder has been calling me late at night. Darn old body that I live in. I'd move but heck I'm used to it. So, no working in the yard for me. Not that it's warm enough anyway.
I think I'll go make some tea and pet one of my elusive cats. With five you would think I'd have a cat near me at all times but no ... I have my dog.
Hope you all have a Purrfect Weekend,
There comes a time in your life when you walk away from all of the drama and the people who create it. You surround yourself with people who make you laugh. Forget the bad and focus on the good. Love the people who treat you right and pray for those who don’t. Life is too short to be anything but happy. Falling down is part of life, getting back up is living.
~ Jose N. Harris
Characters In My Garden
Purr Gang ~ My five cats
Cats ~ Al, Ashton Rosevelt, Jasmine Marie, Riley Andrew & Meredith Ann
Fur Gang ~ Jodie Isabella and Sally Jean
(The Original member, Sweet Bella is in memory only now. Maddy Jean, another original member, past away in August of 2014)
Mr. Boatman ~ my husband who likes boats
DD ~ my daughter who graduated and is now out living in the real world
DS or Dson ~ my son is studying computer science and math
You could borrow my Nicki, he's like a leech. LOL.
Healing vibes for your shoulder....We hope you have a lovely weekend!
-Kim and the Fuzzy Tales crew
My Shadow is a leech too haha. He will come to you if you call his name. I think there is a doggie in him. Have a wonderful weekend yourself too :).
You have sun? We want some sun!!! A wonderful sunbeam to lay in would be so delightful! Guess we will have to settle for a lamp and Meowms warm body instead.
Have a great weekend!
We're supposed to have some sun this weekend and we're excited. Hope you shoulder feels better soon so you can enjoy the weekend!
I hope it's going better with Al and his drops. I also hope your shoulder gets better soon.
Enjoy your kitties, even if they are elusive. I have three and they're all like that too sometimes, the ingrates. :)
You have sun and warmer weather then I do. If it was that warm here I would be out cleaning-up after winter. Picking up downed limbs, raking old hay moving manure. So instead we just keep cleaning and hoeing rooms inside. Hub just gets dragged into it lol. Hope your shoulder feels better, use heat that's what I do especially for my neck. Smile
Maybe you could work hard at sitting in the sunshine, too, and the cats would help you! I wish it was warm enough for that here...
Hope your shoulder feels better and your kitties give you some cuddles...Happy weekend.
We had some wonderful sun yesterday. Today, it is overcast and supposed to start raining with temps. dropping tomorrow :(
I ALWAYS have a cat or dog in my lap while I am on the computer. Or the cats want to roam around in front of the monitor while I am TRYING to read or post.
Hope your shoulder feels better and you have a wonderful weekend.♥
I didn't sleep well last night. Darn shoulder pain keeps me waking me. I did have Jasmine on my pillow and my two dogs on the bed. Sun is out today. I will continue ... and I will win this battle !!!
HA! Tommy giggled at your line about having 5 cats, you'd think one would be around-Tommy says she seconds your emotion! There 6 of us, and you wouldn't 1 was even here at times.... :)
Mom has the same problem! Us kitty's are always hiding! We thinks that sleeping is more important than anything else!
We hope that your mom's shoulder gets better!
Dogs will always want to be by your side! Cats? Eh, only if they want to. Although I really miss our old white cat we had for 15 years. He was soooo adored, and had such a personality. Unfortunately no more cats for me - my husband and youngest daughter are allergic.
Tea and a cat, or 2... always a good idea. I take cat and tea time whenever I can get it! Purrs.
When you get irritated with your body, just remember that it is made of stardust! Somehow, I find that a comfort, even when the aches and pains come...
bodies are unpredictable and so are cats, it seems. Take care. Helen, Darcy and Bingley
i hope your weekend was well, and your shoulder feels better...cats taking bubble baths, nice.
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