Yesterday, I said I was feeling a bit blue green.
I looked for background designs for my blog.
This is what I found.
I'm now having to tweak a bit of 'This & That' in my layout.
Remember, I said I was going to say
I had done a bit of 'This & That' ...
Well, I actually did ...
Where did you find your background?
Do you have a great template ?
Did you have to do things to your html?
Inquiring not so putery minds want to know...
So far I've gone into the html and made my outer wrapper bigger, my main & side wrappers bigger too. Now, to work on the photo but that has to be done in my pictures area.
Hi JC~ Thanks so much for your sweet comment about finding a kitty whisker! Made me smile! I hope your wish comes true! I won't tell on you for doing ~This-and That~. I do the same thing. *smile* ~Mandy (Hope you are having a good day and feeling well.)
I've wanted to change my blog but am too chicken. One of my friends tried it and it was disaster. Yours looks good so you obviously know more than I do about it.
I think I'm ok with the photo size now ... had to resize it several times to get it to be almost right.
I can go into the html and resize the wrappers but when it comes to writing or copying codes ... no way. I've tried to copy a new template in .. it comes up with an error and I don't know how to fix it ... so, I'm going with a new background. I can resize my template by making the rows wider but that's the extend of my puter skills.
Well, I just have a plain black background and the layout is one of the basic blogger ones. On our NKC site I kept it white. I like to use plain because then I can add a banner easier (I have had problems with the banner not matching when I use colors, even if I enter the values myself). I did find that when I was setting up the NKC site that there are a lot of sites with templates and stuff out there for blogger - I just decided that I would stick with plain in the end.
I think the background you chose is pretty and very blue-green, and the picture is good too - I don't think I would change a thing other then some minor tweeks you might feel necessary. I know that changing stuff like backgrounds can make other things like widgets have issues - that is why I am to chicken to change mine!
We got our blog background from
I like your new background. Not too much clutter and design to distract one from the pictures of your beloved pats and ocean. A nice, tiny classic design~
We like that color that you have for your background! Also that photo of the water is pretty.
Oh, I wish I had a blog background. I have kept it really plain and clean.
The farthest I know, is to tweak the widths in the "Edit HTML" section.
Sorry, I am of no help to you!
Nah, didn't really mess with the background either, but I like yours!
Nice work ;) P.S., love the close up of your girls.
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